Dental veneers are thin shells that are placed at the front of a tooth in order to cover tooth defects such as a chipped or broken tooth, or an abnormally small tooth. They are attached to the front of a tooth with a permanent bond, and are usually composed of porcelain or resin-composites. Veneers can also be used to help create a symmetrical and balanced looking smile as well. Since they are primarily for appearance, veneers are usually applied to the top, front teeth.
Before getting veneers, your dentist will want to have a preliminary appointment to discuss how many veneers will be needed. If the teeth are too crooked, braces or an Invisalign may be needed before being able to apply veneers. Your dentist may also want to take X-rays to detect gum disease, tooth decay, or any needed root canals. Once the situation is assessed, a mold of your tooth will be made for the veneer.
When it is time to place the mold onto the tooth, the teeth will be thoroughly cleaned in order to prevent bacteria from being trapped under the veneer. The tooth will then be grinded down, making the texture rougher, thus allowing the veneer to stick better to the tooth. Lastly, the veneer will be bound to the tooth by a dental cement that is hardened with an ultraviolet light. Once placed, veneers can last over a decade. In order to properly protect them and ensure a long lasting lifespan, it is important to take certain precautions, avoiding chewing hard objects, opening packages with your teeth, grinding your teeth, and chewing with the front of the teeth.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We offer a variety of packages and services to fit your marketing needs.